So today is my tenth blog a milestone I've reached double digits, okay it's a mini milestone but what constitutes a major one a 100, maybe 1000, isn't every milestone in life just a series of smaller ones.

I thought about this for awhile and decided to try and list the major milestones in a persons life, so starting with Birth, Birth itself has to be one right it doesn't get much more epic than that, Walking is another talking, using the pot, driving, graduating from school, getting laid, getting a job, getting married, having a kid, reaching retirement, and dying.
So these are the major ones I came up with maybe you can come up with more, but even these seemingly major milestones can be broken down into mini ones.
Birth is just the culmination of nine months of gestation, Walking started with turning over, rolling, creeping, crawling, standing, Talking the same way from coo coo to do do to da da to Daddy where's my allowance and can I borrow the car.
Using the pot I really don't want to talk about this one but there were steps, nasty smelly, gross, and ocassionally very humorus steps.
Driving we had push cars, then pedal cars, trikes, bikes, lawnmowers, go-carts way before it was Dad can I have a Camaro.
Graduating school and getting a job, just a long series of classes and tests, grades, and chores, odd jobs, part time jobs, so whats that leave us getting laid, getting married, having a kid.
Well obviously there's a whole slew of things that lead up to getting laid and getting married in fact getting laid is usually a step towards the getting married part and you certainly can't have a kid without it.
So having a kid while there are certainly plenty of steps leading up to it, it is probably the closest thing to a major milestone most of us will ever achieve.
Reaching retirement really shouldn't even have been in the list it's more a goal than an achievment or milestone, and finally we come to death, which is just a culmination of everything we did in our lives, so in my opinion there are no major milestones in life just a long series of a lot of mini ones so my advice would be.
Enjoy each and every one, each and every day, and stop waiting for something big or great to happen that's gonna change your life because it's happening now, RIGHT NOW!!!
Labels: life milestones graduation marriage retirement dying