Sunday, December 6, 2009

Hybrid or Hype???

  So your looking at new cars and your thinking Hybrid, while I like the idea I'm not sure the reality lives up to the hype, most of the Hybrids I've seen only claim gas mileage ratings in the low to mid thirty MPG range and carry a price tag of five thousand to ten thousand dollars more than there all gas equivalents, so my question is How much gas can I buy for 5000 bucks? lets do the math simplified for my simple mind.

  If gas is roughly three dollars a gallon five thousand bucks will buy me 1666 gallons if my current gas burner gets 24 mpg I can go approximately 40,000 miles on that extra five grand I'll have to pay for the Hybrid equivalent.

  So when does the Hybrid start saving me at the pump according to my math and please don't take my word for it math is not my best subject, but you should start to realize a profit from driving the Hybrid somewhere between 120,000 and 150,000 miles depending on the exact amount of diffrence your current car and the Hybrid get, right around the time your ready to trade it in for a new model I'd say and the whole process starts all over again.

  Ofcourse if it's just economy your seeking some of the all gas compacts get just as good gas mileage if not better mileage than most of the current Hybrids available and bonus there the cheapest new cars on the market.

  I still have one question though why can't the auto manufacturers produce a Hybrid that gets 60+ mpg they have been producing all gas autos since the mid seventies that get mileage in the thirty to forty gallon range
i.e. the Chevette, Escort, Corolla, the B210 nissan just to name a few and most of these cars didn't have fuel injection or the micro chip brains that todays cars have, it seems to me that the big auto manufacturers just aren't trying too hard.

  Ofcourse they tell you it's are fault, they say americans just won't buy that type of car but how will they know if they refuse to build it, there over priced Hybrids seem to be doing fairly well, but that's just my opinion as usual I'd love to hear yours.


P.S. If you really want a Hybrid here's one I wouldn't mind checking out


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