Can You Miss What You Didn't Have?

I've been feeling a little nostalgic this week I'm quite sure it has something to do with another birthday looming just days away,that's what birthdays do now they loom, and hide, and spring out on you and steal one more year of the youth we try so desperately to hold onto.
But hey it's not really that bad most days I still feel like a kid just not quite as flexible, but anyway back to feeling nostalgic.

The good old days that's what we call them, remember when the TV only had three channels at least we didn't have a cable bill, 200 channels for a hundred bucks a month and still nothing on.
Remember no dvd's, no cd's not even a vcr, no internet, heck no PC for that matter how did we even survive, no blackberry, no cell phone period, all are phones had cords and you actually had to get up off the couch to answer them, no video games, my son just fell on the floor in shock that must sound like the stone age to him.
But we did have our bicycles, and our swing sets, and an empty lot at the end of the block where all the kids would gather after school and on the weekend for a game of football or baseball, I just don't see any kids outside anymore, where did they all go.
When I was a kid Mom would put us outside on Saturday morning and had to call us home for supper and then again when it got dark, and when I say call imagine every Mom in the neighborhood standing on the front porch steps hollering at the top of her lungs a text message would have been nice to spare that embarrassment.

I wonder what my son would do if I made him go outside and play all day without so much as a gameboy or even an Ipod, but thats enough bashing on todays generation it makes me sound old, besides to be honest if I could magically transport myself back to 1974 and be 10 years old again I'm quite sure that I would miss all our modern day goodies, but back in the here and now sometimes I can't help but miss the things we didn't have just as much.
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