Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Is Sanitzed Dirt Still Dirt? ( I Don't Know but I ain't Eating It)

  OK my little sis has been kinda enough to send me a guest blog, just in time too because I got nothing done today.

Guest Blog #1

OK people, I just have to address a very irritating and disgusting prospect that is taking over our world as we know it-Hand Sanitizer! Kids use it in school, doctor’s offices and hospitals have it on demand and it is a gelatinous horror story waiting to happen!

Now, don’t get me wrong, I certainly carry a bottle with me everywhere I go, being the extreme germ-a-phobic that I am. It is a great product that helps protect us from viruses and bacteria on shopping carts, door handles, debit card machines, toilets and various other places that are festering cesspools of general, public disgustingness. However, I must express the most important fact that you will ever know about using hand sanitizers. They are not a substitute for hand washing!

Case in point: I walked into a local restaurant the other day, placed a quick to go for a salad, paid the nice lady behind the counter and stood to the side to patiently wait. After taking money and making change for at least two other patrons said nice lady slathered her hands with hand sanitizer, stepped around the corner and began preparing my salad. When she brought me the styro box I quickly refused the salad giving the reason that she had not washed her hands before touching my food. Her response was simply “Well, I used hand sanitizer.” Much to my surprise the other patrons in the restaurant agreed with her, hand sanitizer =clean hands. I responded by saying (paraphrased and edited for content) “If someone smeared shit on your fork and then rubbed it with hand sanitizer, would you eat off that fork? No, because shit is still shit, sanitized or not.” I got my money back and ate somewhere else.

Bottom line here is sanitized does not equal clean. Basically, sanitized hands are just covered with dead germs and frankly I don’t want your dead germs either. WASH YOUR HANDS!



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