Are Cell Phones Taking Over Our Lives?
OK I hate cell phones plain and simple, my wife owns one, my twelve year old son wants one, most of his friends already have one, some of my friends have more than one and there numbers change every six months why in the hell do we think we have to be connected to everyone every second of the day and night you'd think everyone in the world was a heart transplant surgeon waiting on a call from medivac.

And another thing I'm old ok, I'll be forty-five next month and I remember when there weren't cell phones back when my phone bill was only fifteen dollars a month for local service. I rarely ever make a long distance call, but now my phone bill is over fifty dollars a month for local service plus another forty-five for my wifes barebones, no internet, no text, cell phone service. and my car hasn't broke down in years, but my wife calls me from the grocery store to ask me if we need toilet paper, and calls me from Wal-mart to let me know she decided to go to Wal-mart, and on the rare occasion that I call her for something she has the damn thing turned off or the battery went dead or there's no signal.
Can you hear me now!!! HELL NO!!!!!
And guess what I don't belive the rest of you like cell phones anymore than I do thats why everybody wants the text now, so you can screen your calls text back im busy call ya later or just ignore it altogether did you text me? I'm sorry I never got it, the networks been a little screwy lately, ofcourse we will say all this in another text because it's so much easier to lie when you don't actually have to speak to someone.
And finally internet on a cell phone please, it's slow it's ugly it's small and hard to read and touch screens are diagusting what with all the germs and the hamburger grease and god only knows what else might be on that screen just give me a good old plug in the wall ma bell phone with a rotary dial no less and when I go fishin I'll leave you a note Be Back When the Fish Quit Bitin OR THE Mosquitos Start.
OK maybe there is at least one cell phone I'd like to get my hands on!
I wonder if she's got it on vibrate !?
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