Friday, November 27, 2009

Holiday Wars(gotta love family)

  So my blog is late I know I fell asleep last night after the holiday debacle, actually it probably wasn't that bad I just noticed it more after writing the suck it up and be thankful blogs lately.

  I wasn't in the middle of it this year anyway, I've learned over time to nod my head and hide in the corner and not try to fight battles I can't win arguing is a sport in my family and every member is undefeated in every argument they've ever participated in.

  So the good news now I can just sit back and watch and then write about it in my blog later, Don't have to shout over anyone to get a word in here.  

  but seriously why argue politics and religion with anybody especially family, I guess it's the thrill of the fight you already no the others hot spots and how to push all there buttons, anyway I refuse to do it so I'll just try to relax and enjoy the 29 day reprive until round two CHRISTMAS .

  Sorry for such a short blog still in a tryptophan stupor from to much Turkey so until tomorrow.



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