Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Can You Miss What You Didn't Have?


I've been feeling a little nostalgic this week I'm quite sure it has something to do with another birthday looming just days away,that's what birthdays do now they loom, and hide, and spring out on you and steal one more year of the youth we try so desperately to hold onto.

But hey it's not really that bad most days I still feel like a kid just not quite as flexible, but anyway back to feeling nostalgic.

The good old days that's what we call them, remember when the TV only had three channels at least we didn't have a cable bill, 200 channels for a hundred bucks a month and still nothing on.

Remember no dvd's, no cd's not even a vcr, no internet, heck no PC for that matter how did we even survive, no blackberry, no cell phone period, all are phones had cords and you actually had to get up off the couch to answer them, no video games, my son just fell on the floor in shock that must sound like the stone age to him.
But we did have our bicycles, and our swing sets, and an empty lot at the end of the block where all the kids would gather after school and on the weekend for a game of football or baseball, I just don't see any kids outside anymore, where did they all go.

When I was a kid Mom would put us outside on Saturday morning and had to call us home for supper and then again when it got dark, and when I say call imagine every Mom in the neighborhood standing on the front porch steps hollering at the top of her lungs a text message would have been nice to spare that embarrassment.

I wonder what my son would do if I made him go outside and play all day without so much as a gameboy or even an Ipod, but thats enough bashing on todays generation it makes me sound old, besides to be honest if I could magically transport myself back to 1974 and be 10 years old again I'm quite sure that I would miss all our modern day goodies, but back in the here and now sometimes I can't help but miss the things we didn't have just as much.


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Random Junk (Not Enough Hours in the Day)

  OK so another fairly short blog today because my boy has been having some hard times with algebra and since I suck at it myself I've been running him to his cousins for tutoring in the evenings after work which makes it kinda hard to get my blog done, but hey his grades take priority over me talking to myself as my subscriber base is still in the single digits.

  First did everybody like the game from my last post, and should I keep doing them on a weekly basis I'm really trying diffrent things to see what goes over the best but you guys got to let me know.

  So I was watching HBO last night the new Robin Williams stand up, Weapons of Self Destruction and it's pretty funny, you should check it out if you get the chance, one thing he said that I thought would actually be a really good idea was that they should make all the politician wear uniforms like the Nascar drivers with there sponsers names and logos all over them that would probably help us understand why they vote the way they do that's for sure.

  I can see all the republicans now with big Aetna logos on there jackets as they vote no on healthcare reform imagine that, or British Petroleum logos as they vote against spending money on clean coal technology, or solar energy, as you may have guessed I'm a democrat not real popular in my home state of north carolina but then I've never really worried about being popular.

  Anyway I'm not going to say anymore about politics because it brings out the worst in people no matter which side of the aisle your on, in all honesty the best thing they could do is get rid of party systems altogether, with as many problems as this country has right now you'd think somebody would want to try to fix it instead they just want to blame the other for why it's broke.

  OK that's all I got time for today you got something you want to rant about let me know I'll give you a shot as a guest blogger.
Bubble Spinner


Monday, December 7, 2009

Game Break (No Rants Today)

  OK guys I'm taking a break today but here's a cool little game I found for you to check out if everybody likes the games I may make this a weekly thing with a new game every Monday so have fun and let me know what you think.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Hybrid or Hype???

  So your looking at new cars and your thinking Hybrid, while I like the idea I'm not sure the reality lives up to the hype, most of the Hybrids I've seen only claim gas mileage ratings in the low to mid thirty MPG range and carry a price tag of five thousand to ten thousand dollars more than there all gas equivalents, so my question is How much gas can I buy for 5000 bucks? lets do the math simplified for my simple mind.

  If gas is roughly three dollars a gallon five thousand bucks will buy me 1666 gallons if my current gas burner gets 24 mpg I can go approximately 40,000 miles on that extra five grand I'll have to pay for the Hybrid equivalent.

  So when does the Hybrid start saving me at the pump according to my math and please don't take my word for it math is not my best subject, but you should start to realize a profit from driving the Hybrid somewhere between 120,000 and 150,000 miles depending on the exact amount of diffrence your current car and the Hybrid get, right around the time your ready to trade it in for a new model I'd say and the whole process starts all over again.

  Ofcourse if it's just economy your seeking some of the all gas compacts get just as good gas mileage if not better mileage than most of the current Hybrids available and bonus there the cheapest new cars on the market.

  I still have one question though why can't the auto manufacturers produce a Hybrid that gets 60+ mpg they have been producing all gas autos since the mid seventies that get mileage in the thirty to forty gallon range
i.e. the Chevette, Escort, Corolla, the B210 nissan just to name a few and most of these cars didn't have fuel injection or the micro chip brains that todays cars have, it seems to me that the big auto manufacturers just aren't trying too hard.

  Ofcourse they tell you it's are fault, they say americans just won't buy that type of car but how will they know if they refuse to build it, there over priced Hybrids seem to be doing fairly well, but that's just my opinion as usual I'd love to hear yours.


P.S. If you really want a Hybrid here's one I wouldn't mind checking out

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Going Green

  Going green seems to be the thing to do these days, we've got to save fuel, reduce emissions, reduce, reuse, and recycle it's in the news everyday and guess what I'm all for it, problem is we are bombarded on a daily basis with non-green environmentally destructive crap all in the name of convience, and making life easier.
  Everywhere you look someone is making some kind of single use or single serving disposable something or other, I mean come on do we really need single use disposable toothbrushes, or single use toilet brushes, and floor mops.

  Disposable razors and worst of all disposable diapers have been around for years, shouldn't we be trying to get rid of things like these instead of adding more junk to the list, every food we eat now has a single serving size individually packaged in it's own plastic wrappers,trays, and canisters hell the packaging cost more than the product inside it.

  Now don't get me wrong I know some of these things are convienent, but convience costs, all those single serving and single use products cost substantially more by weight and volume than there multi serving multi use counterparts, and the environmental impact is even worse than the financial cost.

  But listen I don't want to sound like I'm preaching to anyone if anything the stuff I write here causes me to reevaluate my own practices and habits and hopefully it helps me to be a better me.

  So bottom line stop and think, do I really need this or that, is the convience worth the cost, will I feel good or guilty about this purchase later, the answers may surprise you.

  P.S. if you have any simple low cost ideas on how to live a greener lifestyle please let me know and I'd be happy to post them.

                                                          See I recycled that it was easy

Friday, December 4, 2009

It Is What It Is (BULL***T)

  OK so this blog would have been better if I wrote it two weeks ago but what the heck it is what it is.

  I hate that saying by the way I should smack myself for using it because really nothing is what it is, it's all double talk, glitter, glitz and good old fasion B.S. rolled up in a big ball and shoved down our throats choking the life out of us, or at the very least smothering are intellect to the point that all we can do is babble stupid phrases like it is what it is, or hey it's got to be true I saw it on Oprah.

  But that's not what I wanted to talk about I wanted to talk about why is everybody making such a big deal over Adam Lambert's performance at the AMA awards, so what he kissed a guy did we not all know he was gay who cares, Britney did the same thing with Madonna a couple years ago and everybody thought that was hot.

  I guess the problem is he's a guy and there is definetly a double standard in this country when it comes to male homosexuality vs female hot lesbian action, and let's set the record straight right now. I am not gay never have been gay, never will be gay, but I belive firmly that everyone has the right to be what they want to be as long as there not hurting me, and even though it doesn't turn me on to see Adam swapping spit with some other guy it's his business and if the gals can do it and get away with it then he should be able to too.

  Maybe it's just that most men are completely homophobic they think every gay man wants a piece of there booty, how stupid is that like gay translates to I'm not picky as long as it's male, maybe some of these guys should feel offended that there so obviously socially backward that no gay man would even think to approach them.

  And while I'm thinking of it why are we so fascinated with the private lives of celebrities Tiger Woods drives his car up a tree and thats all the media can talk about for a week speculating as to how, and why it happened, Who the hell cares!!! all the hype and all the coverage to find out nothing except he's going to be fined a 170 dollars, and I guarantee the news media spent over a million to cover the story.

  Well I guess it is what it is.

  P. S. I'm going to put a pair of hot lesbians on the thumbnail for this post and I bet I get more hits than all my other posts combined.  this pick should do.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

LED THROWIES( These Are Cool)

  OK these things have been around for awhile from what I read but there still cool and I wanted you guys to check them out.

  Besides I don't have time to come up with interesting things to bitch about everyday plus I wanted to see if I could get this to post properly on my blog page also I've been thinking that between articles I could posts something like weird pic of the week, maybe a puzzle page or even more guest blogs by my subscribers so if you have something you'd like to post on my blog page add a comment along with your e-mail address and I'll let you know where to send it. ofcourse I will have to proof anything before I publish it but I'm pretty open minded and lienent on content.

  I wish my post editor had a spellchecker I'm afraid some of my spelling is way off.

LED Throwies - More DIY How To Projects

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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Is Sanitzed Dirt Still Dirt? ( I Don't Know but I ain't Eating It)

  OK my little sis has been kinda enough to send me a guest blog, just in time too because I got nothing done today.

Guest Blog #1

OK people, I just have to address a very irritating and disgusting prospect that is taking over our world as we know it-Hand Sanitizer! Kids use it in school, doctor’s offices and hospitals have it on demand and it is a gelatinous horror story waiting to happen!

Now, don’t get me wrong, I certainly carry a bottle with me everywhere I go, being the extreme germ-a-phobic that I am. It is a great product that helps protect us from viruses and bacteria on shopping carts, door handles, debit card machines, toilets and various other places that are festering cesspools of general, public disgustingness. However, I must express the most important fact that you will ever know about using hand sanitizers. They are not a substitute for hand washing!

Case in point: I walked into a local restaurant the other day, placed a quick to go for a salad, paid the nice lady behind the counter and stood to the side to patiently wait. After taking money and making change for at least two other patrons said nice lady slathered her hands with hand sanitizer, stepped around the corner and began preparing my salad. When she brought me the styro box I quickly refused the salad giving the reason that she had not washed her hands before touching my food. Her response was simply “Well, I used hand sanitizer.” Much to my surprise the other patrons in the restaurant agreed with her, hand sanitizer =clean hands. I responded by saying (paraphrased and edited for content) “If someone smeared shit on your fork and then rubbed it with hand sanitizer, would you eat off that fork? No, because shit is still shit, sanitized or not.” I got my money back and ate somewhere else.

Bottom line here is sanitized does not equal clean. Basically, sanitized hands are just covered with dead germs and frankly I don’t want your dead germs either. WASH YOUR HANDS!



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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

MP3's The Death of HiFidelity

  OK so yesterday it was cell phones today it's mp3 players, now don't get me wrong I love my Ipod as much as anybody in fact I love it to much and there is where the problem lies, the extreme portability and capacity of a good mp3 player has made home stereos and CD collections obselete.

  So you may be asking yourself, Whats the problem?
  Well I'll tell you the problem is the sound quality and to be honest this didn't start with mp3's it actually started with CD'S and the ability to digitally synthesize music and Iknow there's some old audiophiles out there shaking there heads right now saying hey what about DAT Tape, well I remember it too and for those who dont DAT stands for digital audio tape and it was supposed to be the technology to replace cassettes, but CD'S came out before DAT caught on mainstream so it basically went the way of the BetaMax ( if you don't know look it up ).

  But anyway CD's caught on and actually had better sound quality than cassettes, now vinyl that's another debate for another day.

  But I'm getting off track, so the ability to make digital music, in other words to turn the music into a data stream which eventually led to compressing, shrinking, squishing and squashing that stream down into the various formats used today, the most popular of which is MP3.

  The problem is that while all that squishing and squashing makes it possible to put a million songs on your Ipod ( a slight exageration) it degrades the sound quality and depending on the level of compression the degradation can be substantial, and I know some of you are saying hey I can't tell the difference, and that's because we've raised a whole generation of kids that have grown up with mp3's, and walkmans, and boomboxes and a variety of other low quality audio devices to the point that they have no idea what a quality recording played over a true HiFidelity system sounds like, and speaking for all the old audiophiles out there that's a damn shame!

  It's a shame that as a culture we almost always pick convience over quality, or quantity over quality, the lower price tag over the better product.

  So in closing I'd just like to say if you've never listened to your favorite store bought CD on a true high end stereo system please go and dig that sucker out  and go down to a good electronics store ( there's still a few around) andslide into the back room with the big glass door and pick a system preferably the one with the biggest speakers, pop it in, turn it up, and give a listen and I'd be willing to bet that a new stereo will make it on to your christmas wish list.

  P.S. I hope that CD you dug out wasn't Hanna Montana, or the sondtrack from High School Musical, and if you need a suggestion, anything off the Led Zepplin Mothership album will work ofcourse you may not be into classic rock and I pity you if your not, but Crystal Methods- Trip Like I Do would also work nicely.



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